Outpatient Services
Adult Outpatient Services
Child & Adolescent Outpatient Services
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)
Peer Support Services
Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services
Supported Employment
Child & Adolescent Outpatient Services
Pathways Center’s Outpatient Treatment program (ASAM Level 0.5 and Level 1) provides services that include, but are not limited to, individual, group, and family education and counseling. This program offers comprehensive, coordinated, and defined services that vary in level of intensity. Outpatient services address a variety of needs such as situational stressors, family relations, interpersonal relationships, mental health issues, life span issues, psychiatric illnesses, addictions, and the needs of victims of abuse and/or trauma.
Outpatient Treatment programs are available to all eligible individuals in our community that meet core customer criteria. We offer Outpatient Treatment programs in each of our counties.
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)
ACT is an Evidence Based Practice that is client-centered, recovery-oriented, and a highly intensive community based service for individuals who have serious and persistent mental illness. The individual’s mental illness has significantly impaired his or her functioning in the community. The individual has been unsuccessfully treated in the traditional mental health service system because of his/her high level of mental health acuity. The use of the traditional clinic based services for the individual in the past or present have usually been greater than 8 hours of service per month. The recipient may have experienced chronic homelessness and/or criminal justice involvement; and may have had multiple and/or extended stays in state psychiatric/public hospitals. ACT provides a variety of interventions twenty-four (24) hours, seven days a week. The ACT Team works as one organizational unit providing community based interventions that are rehabilitative, intensive, integrated, and stage specific. Services emphasize social inclusiveness though relationship building and the active involvement in assisting individuals to achieve a stable and structured life style. The service providers develop programmatic goals that clearly articulate the use of best/evidence-based practices for ACT recipients using co-occurring and trauma-informed service delivery and support. ACT is a unique treatment model in which the majority of mental health services are directly provided internally by the ACT program in the recipient’s natural environment. ACT services are individually tailored with each consumer to address his/her preferences and identified goals, which are the basis of the Individualized Recovery Plan (IRP).
Peer Support Services
Pathways Center’s mental health peer support services are designed to help adult persons with psychiatric disabilities/disorders or other behavioral health needs to optimize their personal, social, and vocational competency in order to live successfully in the community. Participation is determined by the needs of the person served, and the person served is an active partner in all aspects of programming. Peer Support Services - Group programs are located in three different counties in order to provide accessibility for the persons served. The three locations are Sunshine House located in Carrollton providing service for Carroll and Heard Counties, and Progress Pointe located in Newnan providing services to Coweta, and Covered Bridge located in Greenville providing services to Meriwether and New Direction located in Troup County. The programs have designated space at each location, transportation and resource supplies. Program hours are generally Monday through Friday from 8:30am until 2pm, with varied weekend and evening hours.
The programs are designed for persons age eighteen years and older and who have severe and persistent mental illness and/or co-occurring disabilities. The program provides structured activities within a Mental Health Peer Support Services - Group center that promote socialization, recovery, wellness, self-advocacy, development of natural supports, and maintenance of community living skills. Implementation of Peer Support - Individual services shall be provided in a one-to-one setting. Peer Support - Group services shall be provided in a group setting. Activities are provided between and among individuals with common issues and needs. Staff facilitating the activities is motivated to assist our consumers in living as independently as possible. Activities must promote self-directed
recovery by exploring consumer purpose beyond the identified mental illness, by exploring possibilities of recovery, by tapping into consumer strengths related to illness self-management, by emphasizing hope and wellness, by helping consumers develop and work toward achievement of specific personal recovery goals (which may include attaining meaningful employment if desired by the individual), and by assisting consumers with relapse prevention planning.
Adult Outpatient Services
Pathways Center’s Outpatient Treatment program provides mental health and substance abuse treatment services (ASAM Level 0.5 and Level 1) including, but are not limited to, individual, group, and family education and counseling. Psychiatric treatment, medication management and nursing services are also provided. This program offers comprehensive, coordinated, and defined services that vary in level of intensity based on the individual’s assessed needs. Outpatient services address a variety of needs such as situational stressors, family relations, interpersonal relationships, mental health issues, life span issues, psychiatric illnesses, addictions, and the needs of victims of abuse and/or trauma.
Pathways Center offers Outpatient Treatment programs in six of the counties that it serves. These programs are strategically located to provide convenient and accessible services to its ten (10) county service area. Services offered through Outpatient Treatment programs may be clinic-based or may be provided in a community setting. Outpatient Treatment programs are available to all eligible individuals in our community that are 18 years of age or are emancipated minors and who meet core customer criteria.
Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services
Pathways Center’s Community-based rehabilitation services are designed to help adult persons with psychiatric disabilities/disorders or other behavioral health needs to optimize their personal, social, and vocational competencies in order to live successfully in the community. Participation is determined by the needs of the person served, and the person served is an active partner in all aspects of programming.
Psychosocial Rehabilitation - Group Programs are located in three different counties in order to provide accessibility for the persons served. The three locations are:
1. Stepping Stones located in Coweta - providing service for Carroll and Coweta and Heard counties;
2. Positive Options located in Troup County - providing services to Troup and Meriwether counties;
3. Harbor House located in Griffin providing services for Spalding, Lamar, Pike and Butts counties;
All programs have designated space, transportation and resources available. Program hours are generally Monday through Friday from 9am until 2pm, with varied weekend and evening hours. The programs are designed for persons aged eighteen years and older and who have severe and persistent mental illness. This service is a therapeutic, rehabilitative, skill building and recovery promoting service for individuals to gain the skills necessary to allow them to remain in or return to naturally occurring community settings and activities. These individuals may need assistance in several skill areas, i.e., daily living skills, interpersonal skills and leisure skills. They may also have limited job skills. Many are unable to get primary needs met in the community without mental health intervention. Services are provided in a group setting and include, but are not limited to:
* Skill building activities that focus on the development of skills to be used by individuals in their living, learning, social and working environments
* Social, problem solving and coping skill development
* Illness and medication self-management
* Prevocational skills
* Recreational activities/leisure skills that improve self-esteem and recovery
Supported Employment
Pathways Center Supported Living program provides around the clock assistance to consumers in a residential setting to assist them to successfully maintain housing stability in the community, continue with their recovery and increase self-sufficiency.
Supportive services provided by the program will include at a minimum the following:
* assistance to find and maintain housing
* assistance with health maintenance
* assistance with management of financial matters
* assistance with linkage with community activities
* assistance with the development of natural supports
* assistance with arrangement of transportation
Upon discharge from the Supported Living program, all consumers are referred back to the least restrictive environment possible in the community. Natural supports are utilized whenever possible in making these arrangements. In addition, all consumers are linked to the appropriate mental health outpatient services in their community as well as to other appropriate community resources.